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Air Filter Combo / Honda/17210-890-505Pack Size:1FOLEY/PLP 101-270, HONDA 17211-890-023, HONDA 17210-890-505, HONDA 17210-ZE3-003BYNORM 320-102, DEALER CHOICE 15-1407, EDGEWATER 013822, ESF 101-270, GREEN MEADOW AF266, J. THOMAS AF-688, LASER 93171, LASER 93087, NAPA 7-08345, OREGON 30-403, PRIME LINE 7-02261, PRIME LINE 7-08345, QUALITY 242095, ROTARY 6688, SUNBELT AF-89, SUNBELT B1AF89HONDA G300 and G400 engines; for 7, 10 and 11 HP enginesTop Diameter: 3 7/8 ", Honda code 2893931/5311089 , Bottom Diameter: 5 3/8 ", Height: 2 3/4 ", Pre-filter included

Inventory Status: 1